Thursday 24 September 2015

Hail Caesar - Imperial Romans Vs Germanic Tribes

There seems to be plenty of firsts on the blog for me lately with this being the first game of Ancients that I've played .

The Germanic horde assembles to take on the Romans [Pre Deployment].

The Romans ready to crush the rabble [Pre Deployment].

The Roman Legionaries advance onto the table.

The Warband advances to meet them.

After a blunder the left flank manages to show up.

Forming up in case of a charge but ready to get some shots off.

The right flank being held as the Legionaries take the high ground.

A Warband pushing down the middle with Archer support from the treeline.

Roman Cavalry pushing out to the right to scout.

After being reluctant to begin with the big push down the middle finally appears.

The first big clash of the game, the archers taking the brunt of the charge. Only winning because its support.

The Cavalry opt to counter charge the Warband which ends in a stalemate.

The Warband getting thrown back, taking shots in the following shooting phase.

The Cavalry managing to hold back the Naked Fanatics, causing them to be disordered.

The Archers let loose into the Warband, causing them to be shaken.

The Legionaries start to form up as they get to the flank of the Warbands.

The slogging match continues.

The Germanic center finally shows up and smashes into the Archers.

The Archers get some shots off before they engage though they manage to score no wounds.

The Roman Cavalry finds itself outmaneuvered.

The Germanic Archers let loose some shots into the Auxiliaries.

Two Warbands push up the center.

The Legionaries form line on the hill, ready to take on the Warbands. 

The two Warbands crash into the Auxiliaries on the right flank.

The Roman cavalry turns to receive the charge.

But are completely wiped out in the first round of combat.

Not looking good on the right for the Archers. Being pushed back.

Though they got off lightly compared to the Auxiliaries who get wiped out.

The Cavalry on the left finally lose combat but are pushed back in good order.

Meanwhile the Legionaries finally show up and smash into the Warbands side.

The Auxiliaries and Archers then wheel to help the cavalry. Firing off some shots.

They had finally had enough and flee the battlefield.

The flanked Warband is pushed back after taking a battering from the sides,

The Legionaries take the brunt of a mass charge to the front,

The left hand falling back, giving ground to the Warband.

The right fairing better, holding the high ground.

The Archers on the right flank making their last stand.

But it is not enough to stop them from being wiped out.

The Cavalry starts to head over to help the center.

The remaining Auxiliaries and Archers following suit.

The Legionaries continue to beat back and push the Warband right to the edge of the board.

The combat is pretty even with the Romans managing to hold on.

Reinforcements finally arrive to turn the tide.

The Legionaries on the right charging down after the Warband.

Smashing them and forcing them to flee.

With most of the Germanic Tribe forced to flee we called it at that. Just like Black Powder having come to this ruleset completely new, by the end of the game i was pretty confident with them. There are several rules that are the same across both rulesets which made it even easier for me to pick up. I really want to get an army of my own now. Spoiled for choice.