Friday 19 June 2015

Waterloo 200th Anniversary Game - The Battle of Quatre Bras - Black Powder Ruleset

The French line up, ready to advance and try to take the town.

The Nassau and Brunswick infantry in position to repel the French

A team of skirmishers just ahead of the main lines. Ready to loose some accurate fire.

Foot Artillery ready to provide fire support.

Horse artillery, a very maneuverable fire support weapon. 

Some of the British infantry heading down to support the Nassau and Brunswicks.

The men are ordered forward.

Brunswick cavalry pushes forward

The French infantry advance towards the hill.

Horse Artillery opens fire on the Skirmishers.

The Skirmishers take a casualty and become disordered.

The French cannons reply into the Nassau lines.

Overview of the Allied lines.

Overview of the French advance.

More British reinforcements arrive. 

The British infantry move up to reinforce the lines.

With the Foot Artillery right behind.

Time for the French reinforcements to arrive.

The French start to build up in numbers in front of the hill. As one of the units is Disordered by cannon fire.

How the lines are starting to look.

The Brunswick Lancers get ready to charge the French line.

Reinforcements advance into the woods.

A charge into the Nassau lines is initiated, defensive fire inflicting some casualties.

The two lines collide.

French reinforcements push up the field.

The lancers become disordered, stopping their charge dead in its tracks as a skirmisher on skirmisher battle commences in the background.

Both units do that much damage to each other that they both break and flee the field.

Opening up a large hole in the lines.

More infantry is moved up to secure the flanks.

French foot artillery firing into the lancers and Brunswicks.

|The British light dragoons arrive.

The very mobile horse artillery pulls back and keeps the shots coming.

The fighting is very heavily stacked on the left flank.

French Cavalry/horse artillery arrive.

The lancers are shot to the point of breaking and flee the field.

Joined soon after by the horse artillery

French skirmishers try and hold up the British reinforcements.

The British infantry get into the fray.

The Brunswicks move to hold off the cavalry.

The British dragoons get in position to charge.

British infantry start pouring fire into the skirmishers.

The two lines exchange fire.

The French cavalry engage the Brunswick infantry but they form square.

and manage to repel the attack with minor losses.

This time the British try their luck and like the French are repelled.

To retaliate for the failed cavalry charge the horse artillery make short work of the infantry in square formation.

How things looked at the end.
Overall a great game and a lovely ruleset that i look forward to playing again sometime.


  1. It looks like you had a great game, with lots of miniatures.
    Most important, you had fun!

    Some day, I also want to play a Quatre-Bras scenario.

    1. That was the first time i had played Black Powder and i really enjoyed it, definitely want to give it a go in another battle.
